lauantai 3. lokakuuta 2015

Capturing encounterings

October 4th Photo Ventilation

Happy World Animal Day! My personal digital assistant has communicated diligently with the Operating System in order to control and manage tablet computer's hardware, while I've used its applications in multiple plans.
It became obvious that downloading a video from Vimeo to this platform was not an option now. Because in digital world, what you see is what you get - and for me the visible was a tiny, blue questionmark in a framed, white space due to bugs - problems, that need fixing.
Plan B: i.e. back to basics, transfer KeyNote presentation as a PDF to StripDesign and capture slides from there one by one to Photos. Result: the idea of the title still exists. :D
Photo of a swan familyWhooper swans: timid and caring parents.
Care taking swans
Photo of a Barnacle Goose stretching its wings One has to figure things out as one goes!
A Canada Goose
Photo of ducks swimmingOops, while shooting the female the shepharding male retrieved her.
Duck couple
Photo of two Barnacle Gooses marching in a park The top-brisk gait of these Canada Gooses made my day.
Canada Gooses
Keywords today: image storing, birds.

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